Cat 3044C and C3.4 Engine Parts and Service Technical Information

Cat 248B ReRing Kit

Cat 248B Engine ReRing Kit


(4) Piston Rings Sets 
       Size options:  Standard
                                Oversize Piston Rings 0.25 MM , 0.010"
                                  Oversize Piston Rings 0.50 MM , 0.020" ,

(5) Main Crankshaft Bearings 
      Size options:  Standard   
                                   Undersize Main Crankshaft Bearings 0.25 MM , 0.010"          
                                    Undersize Main Crankshaft Bearings 0.50 MM , 0.020"               
                                      Undersize Main Crankshaft Bearings  0.75 MM , 0.030" 
                                        Undersize Main Crankshaft Bearings 1.00 MM , 0.040"

(3) Thrust Washers

(4) Big End Connecting Rod Bearings 
          Size options:  Standard
                                   Undersize Big End Connecting Rod Bearings 0.25 MM , 0.010" 
                                     Undersize Big End Connecting Rod Bearings 0.50 MM , 0.020" 
                                       Undersize Big End Connecting Rod Bearings 0.75 MM , 0.030" 
                                         Undersize Big End Connecting Rod Bearings 1.00 MM , 0.040"

(1) Upper Engine Gasket and Seal Set ( Head Gasket Set )
(1) Lower Engine Gasket and Seal Set with Front Crankshaft Seal and Rear Crankshaft Seal

Worldwide Delivery Available 

Additional parts are available:
Turbocharger Rebuild Kits 
Connecting Rods
Engine Oil Pump
Engine Water Pump
Head Bolt Sets
Connecting Rod Bolt Sets
Main Cap Bolt Sets
Cylinder Head Rebuild Kits

Delivery available: United States, Canada, and worldwide. 
Note: The newer Cat C3.4 DIT engines, Cat C3.4 DIT Series 2 engines and Cat C3.4 DIT Series 3 engines can have different pistons, different compression ratios, different crankshafts, and different internal parts than the older 3044 , C3.4, and C3.4T engines. Please provide your serial number to determine the correct parts for your engine.
Information and specifications for the Cat C3.4 DIT engines, Cat C3.4 DIT Series 2 engines and Cat C3.4 DIT Series 3 engines is available here: 
Contact us for a price quote:
Heavy Equipment Restoration Parts LLC
4730 118th Ave
Fennville Michigan 49408 USA
Phone: 269 673 1638
alternate email:

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